Gertrudis - Landen
“ Gertrude of Landen ”
A contemporary rendering of a glorious scene of
mystic virgin “Gertrude” with rats , in combination of
the archeological twilight Gitterdalscape .
Virgin Gertrude ( °Landen 626 – Nivelles march 17th 659 )
daughter of blessed Pepin I of Landen , became
St.Gertrude of Nivelles , abbess of the Benedictine monastery of
Nivelles , Belgium , about age 20 .
Pepin ( °c580 – Febr 27th 640) was Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
at Landen under the Merovingian King Dagobert I .
City of Landen ‘s inhabitant miss Kimberly Schemmekes is pictured at the age of fifteen as virgin “GERTRUDE” devoted to her faith from an early age still living at Landen .
Mise en scène and heritage photography
the fine art photographer – pictorialist :
( Sabam Worldwide Copyright )
Historical Costume Designer : “ Lady Lydie ”
Impressionist pictorial picture from the series :
One of a kind
fine art sepia colour museum quality Lambda print
Nr 1104150808
created and first exhibited at Landen for the
“ 800 Anniversary of Landen City ”
edition week 8 , anno 2011 friday evening april 15th
image size: 80 x 130 cm
archival acid free matted : 100 x 150 cm
frame : 109 x 159 cm
set date: portrait in studio : 2011 , Mars 13th
sunset Gitterdal : 2011 , Jan 30th
The images with the model have been made indoors, and merged by the artist with images that have been taken on the location where Gertrudis lived.
Some press articles appeared on this blog earlier: April 16, 2011 and April 17, 2011.
Tags: 800, Contemporary Pictorialism - imagerie, Gertrude of Landen, Gertrudis, gitterdal, Landen, Landen800, Pepin I, Radan, rats, Virgin Gertrude
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